
New Wine 2019

Do you want to grow closer to Jesus or help someone close to you get to know him better?  Perhaps try one of these fantastic, upcoming opportunities through the national ‘New Wine’ network of Churches.

Sunday 4th – Saturday 10th August

‘United’ Week 2 Summer Conference

Peterborough, see for more information
Contact Jen Radford to find out more or to join the group from St Peter’s, half week tickets are also available.

Saturday 21st September 10-4pm

Each year we aim to run a New Wine training day, which serves to equip people for ministry and living the Christian life in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our next training day is “Learning to Hear God’s Voice” (a prophecy training day) led by Revd Steve McGanity from 10.00am – 4.00pm on Saturday 21st September at Hope Community Church, Aintree, L10 2JJ. Cost is £5 per person* which will include a course booklet – refreshments will be provided but bring your own lunch (there are one or two good places to buy lunch nearby).

This will be a deeply inspiring day to do what is the most fulfilling and meaningful thing we can possibly to – which is to grow in God’s purposes together, touched by His presence and encouraged to keep pursuing His Kingdom day by day. So, get a few folk together and come to share in all that God has for us on this day.


Saturday 19th October 9.15-4pm

‘Reset’ Women’s Day

Huddersfield Christian Fellowship HD1 3LG
Jen Radford would love to hear from you if you’d like to know or to join the group going.
