Contact form
Please use this form if you are new to St Peter’s or would like to update your contact information with us. New house? New family member? Please do let us know!
How to use this Form:
- Click on the highlighted link – choose whether to open the file immediately or save it to your device for later
- Complete the form where indicated and save it to your device once completed
- Attach the completed saved form to an email to [email protected]
- It would be very helpful if you included the words ‘Contact Information’ in the subject line of your email please – thanks!
- If you experience any problems, please contact us directly
St Peter’s Church Family Information Form
Why does St Peter’s need my contact details?
We are asking for your contact details for two reasons :
- So that you are known
- So that you can be included
On the first point there are hundreds of people who come to St Peter’s frequently (probably more than 1000 in a year) and even when you have been here for a good number of years it is very hard to to retain names and faces and family connections. We really need a record of who you are, and for adults a photo, so that in this big church we can help staff do their jobs well. We need to be able to know who you are and contact you easily. So even if you think you are known here – please fill in the forms and have a photo taken!
Secondly we want to include you. We want to be able to invite you to events that might be specific to your interests or age group, or your children’s age group. The leaders of organised groups may use your contact details to communicate with you. For example the leaders are able to use the database to send an email to all members of a group.
I am on the electoral roll do I need to fill in a form?
Yes please! The electoral roll does not include your whole family, and contains very limited contact details (address only)
I have already given my contact details to an organised group?
If you have completed the contact sheet overleaf, then you do not need to complete another. However if you have completed a registration form for an organised group, please could you complete the contact sheet as well, to enable St Peter’s to hold your contact details in a central place.
Is my personal data secure?
Yes. All contact details are being held on a secure database. Access to the database is restricted to leaders and staff that need it. Each user has set permissions appropriate to their role (i.e. leader can only access their group). Information held will only be used within the church and we would never pass it on to any third party. Our Privacy Notice is here.
Can I be removed from the database?
Yes at any time. Please put your request in writing to the Parish Administrator or email