Session notes

These notes from previous group studies may be of interest…

Archive of small group notes


For five weeks, the groups shared conversations based on Compassion exploring Jesus’ teaching from the parable of the Good Samaritan Luke 10: 25-37.

The materials have been developed by Kip Crooks and each week looks at a different aspect of compassion.
Compassion an introduction
Session One – Call to compassion
Session Two – Character of compassion
Session Three – Motivation for compassion
Session Four – Giving with compassion
Session Five- Compassion for the world

Encounters in Mark’s Gospel

For nine weeks, the groups shared conversations based on Encounters with Mark’s Gospel.  The materials are drawn from resources written by John Campbell.

The series programme contains details of the study each week. Each small group will have one set of notes in a folder.  If you need further copies or like to look over the notes before the session then they can be found on the vision4life website.  Note that the order we are using is in the programme.

Encounters (with Jesus) in Mark’s Gospel – programme for the series

The facilitators guide gives an overview of the structure and guidance for the sessions.

Facilitator guide draft for Encounters with Jesus


For five weeks, we focused on Healing. Jesus’ call to ‘preach the gospel and heal the sick’ is as relevant as ever. We are on a journey to see this become a natural and normal part of everyday church.

Healing series overview
Healing and wholeness series (1) Foundations (3)
Healing and wholeness series (2) Forgiveness and reconciliation (2)
Healing and wholeness series (3) Emotional wholeness
Healing and wholeness series (4) Physical healing
Healing and wholeness series (5) Barriers to wholeness

African Bible Study

Travelling together with God through Lent, African style. During Lent the preaching at St Peter’s focuses on leading up to the cross and the resurrection of Jesus. Click the link to download the African Bible Study for groups as recommended by Kip. LENT – African Bible study

The Book of 1 Peter

For five weeks, the preaching and small group studies looked at the book of 1 Peter. 1 Peter is a letter of encouragement for Christians helping them to find their bearings in a society that does not necessarily understand them and which presents them with many problems.

Introduction to 1 Peter – facilitator guide
1 Peter series (1) Life at the margins (1)
1 Peter series (2) Everyday community
1 Peter series (3) Everyday mission
1 Peter series (4) Everyday sharing
1 Peter series (5) Hope at the margins

The Book of Isaiah

A five weeks series looking at some of the passages from the Old Testament book of Isaiah. Handel’s Messiah has made some of the passages of Isaiah known all over the world. Now is our opportunity to explore the book from which those much loved passages come – a book rooted in the reality of a very broken world and the reality of the transforming presence of God.

Facilitators introduction to the Book of Isaiah
Introduction to the Book of Isaiah
Isaiah (1) a tale of two cities
Isaiah (2) a way through the wilderness
Isaiah (3) the suffering servant
Isaiah (4) faithworks
Isaiah (5) the year of God’s favour

Life Issues – Part 2

A five week series of study of specific Life Issues. This complements and continues earlier studies, where we explored issues aimed at equipping us all to live well and to stay true to our Christian beliefs whilst living in what some might describe as a consumer driven culture.

Life Issues Continued – Facilitator Overview
Life Issues 1 of 5 Integrity – Sketch
Life Issues 1 of 5 Integrity – Notes
Life Issues 2 of 5 Humility – Daniel
Life Issues 2 of 5 Humility – Notes
Life Issues 3 of 5 Influence – Journaling
Life Issues 3 of 5 Influence – Notes
Life Issues 4 of 5 Living God’s Best Life – Notes
Life Issues 5 of 5 Making a difference in your world – Notes

The Holy Spirit

A four week series focused on the Holy Spirit. When Jesus spoke about the Holy Spirit he spoke about him as a person – someone who was to come, and who would teach, guide, counsel, encourage and work in and through those who welcomed him. The Spirit enables us to begin to do the things that Jesus did. The Spirit is also recognised in what we become. A person who receives the Holy Spirit gradually changes on the inside until their emotional make up is characterised by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness and self-control. Learning about the Holy Spirit is learning about how God works in our experience and there is little that’s more important than that!

Holy Spirit Overview
Holy Spirit Wk 1
Holy Spirit Wk 2
Holy Spirit Wk 3
Holy Spirit Wk 4
