We have a variety of services through the month, and welcome all ages to any of them.
The 8.00 am service is a service of Holy Communion. At our 10.30am service the first Sunday in each month is a service of Holy Communion and there are a variety of other services during the rest of the month.
The usual pattern for a month is as follows:
8.00 am Holy Communion
This is a quiet, reflective service in the centenary rooms.
10.30 am
This service is suitable for all ages. There are usually more people at this service and we try to keep them relaxed and welcoming to all ages, young and old. A creche is now available for children under the age of 3 at the back of church and parents and carers may wish to make use of it at this time. However parents with small children are more than welcome to remain in church throughout the service should they wish to.
Our children’s groups meet at 10.30 am most Sundays during term time.
First Steps. ( Ages 3 to 5 )
Smiley Club. ( Ages 5 to 7 )
JAM Club. ( Ages 7 to 10 )
Pathfinders. ( 10 to 13 )
The organ and the music group lead the singing.
11.00 am Holy Communion using the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) . Every other week, following the Communion service there is a lunch club held in the Simon Peter Centre. On the alternate weeks there are drinks and cakes in the Hub.