Baptism is the way we make public our personal Christian commitment. Jesus was baptised in the River Jordan at the start of his ministry, and ever since, Christians have baptised new believers as the sign of their own commitment to Christian discipleship.
Can I be Baptised at St Peter’s?
At baptism, a person is baptised into the fellowship of the local church The congregation greet that person at the service and promise to help and support them as they grow in the Christian faith. Therefore the person being baptised should either live in the parish of St Peter Woolton or be part of a family who are regular members of St Peter’s. There is no right age to be baptised and we welcome both children and adults. Baptism services at St Peter’s are normally part of our 10.30 am service; we have several during the year.
Baptism of Children and Infants
Young children are unable to express their own wishes about being baptised, nor can they make promises to follow Christ that are required at baptism. The promises, therefore, are made on the child’s behalf by parents and godparents. Godparents are friends chosen by the parents to help bring up children in the Christian faith until they can make the promises themselves at a service of confirmation. There are normally three godparents and the child’s parents may also act as godparents. The godparents should be baptised and confirmed.
How can I arrange a Baptism?
Please start by filling in the form below. Make sure you click “Submit Enquiry” at the bottom of the form when you are done to ensure we receive your details.
We are currently in the process of planning baptism services for the year ahead. We will review your details and get back to you with available dates when we are able to do so.
Prior to the service, you will be invited to attend a preparation evening for both parents and godparents. This is an important evening for parents and godparents and we would expect all to attend.
If you have any problems or would like further information, you can also email us at
[email protected]
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018
The information you provide to us in the form above will be stored securely in line with GDPR.
We will only use your data to keep you in touch with your family baptism plans and with news, events, activities and services at St Peter’s. By completing this form, you give us consent to contact you for these purposes.
Personal information will be controlled and updated electronically by staff or a small team of volunteers, and is made available to those within the church on a ‘need-to-know’ basis, including the Clergy, Licensed Lay Minister, Churchwardens and Team Leaders. The information is not disseminated to any individual/organisation outside the church.
Service Of Thanksgiving
Some parents may feel it is not appropriate for them to make the full baptismal promises on behalf of their children. We, therefore, offer a service for the Thanksgiving for the Birth of a Child and this leaves open the option of baptism at a later date.