
Brazil Trip 2019

A team of 14 will be visiting Encontro com Deus (ECD) in Curitiba, Brazil this February.
ECD is a Christian charity that we have supported for a number of years, and a group from St Peter’s visited in February 2017 and had an amazing time. Some of the team will be returning for a second visit.

There is a purpose built community centre (the building of which St Peter’s helped to fund), & two care homes for mothers and babies. Last time before we went we were able to raise £20,000 for disabled access to
the homes. This time we would like to raise enough money (approx. the same amount as last time) to fund the installation of a roof covering on the main community centre building/ outdoor roof sports area.

We’re planning to hold a number of fund raising events so do please support our efforts!

To find out more about Encontro com Deus visit the website
