
Roots & Shoots

A new series of Roots and Shoots will be running from Wed 30th Jan to Wed 27th Feb incl.

We will be considering the challenge to our faith posed by those atheists for whom some of the more disturbing stories in the Bible, chiefly in the Old Testament, are a barrier to faith.

What do we ourselves make of these stories?

What, if anything, do they show us of the character of God

And how can we explain our faith, with its roots deep in the Old Testament, to those of our atheist friends for whom its stories, or even its Story – the story of the nation of Israel as the people among whom God particularly revealed himself – are a real barrier to faith?

We have two groups meeting on those dates, one from 10.00 to 11.30 am, and the other from 7.45 to 9.00 pm.

If you would like to join us please get in touch with Ian McColl on 538 0902 or at [email protected].
