Refresh happens once a month, usually in The Hub @ St Peter’s . We get together for a simple meal and a short time of worship to encounter Jesus afresh and be empowered to live for Him. The Refresh dates for the coming half year on Sundays from 7 – 9 pm in The Hub (unless otherwise stated) will be;
20th Jan,
24th Feb,
17th March,
Bank Holiday Monday 22nd April; walk & picnic (Hilbre Island, tide/weather permitting)
19th May,
23rd June,
21st July BBQ @ The Radford’s.
Refresh is for people who’ve completed the Alpha course and want to deepen their faith in Christ in a similar format. It’s led by Andy and Jenny Radford and attendees are encouraged to participate more as they grow in confidence in faith.
The worship time includes sung worship, prayer, a short preach on a passage and a small group discussion. Currently we’re looking at the book of Philippians.
Contact Andy or Jenny for more information via:-
[email protected]
phone the Hub (0151 428 6810)