Thy kingdom come: the Archbishop’s call to prayer

Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement which the Archbishop of Canterbury is inviting people around the world to join. The wave of prayer will run for 10 days starting on Ascension Day, Thursday May 25th until Pentecost, Sunday 4th June.

This is an opportunity to pray intentionally for others to come to know the love of Jesus Christ. Find out more at

There are a range of ideas and resources to help you pray as an individual, with your family and as a church.

So how is St Peter’s responding to this call to prayer?

Diary of Events

Stations around the Lord’s Prayer”
Thursday 25 May 8 am – 8 pm in the Simon Peter Centre

The Prayer Stations will remain accessible during normal Hub opening times 9 am – 1pm on Friday 26 May and between Tuesday 30th May – Friday 2 June

“Thy Kingdom Come Churches Together”
Sunday 28 May a joint service between the Churches of Woolton. 5.30pm on the green in Woolton Woods, opposite St James Church (or in the church if it rains).

“Pentecost Praise”
Sunday 4 June 10.30 at St Peter’s Church – service celebrating the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Please wear something red, yellow or orange or bring something that colour to wave.

There is something for everyone and we invite you to engage with whatever you find helpful.

If you would like to know more please contact:
Andy Radford, Denise Ashworth, Carole Haggis or Lisa McArdle
