Summer Family Film Mornings
Come along to our Summer Family Film Mornings in the Hub each Thursday during the school holidays.
Thursday 24 July 10.45am (U certificate)
Thursday 31 July 10.45am (PG certificate)
Thursday 7 August 10.45am (PG certificate)
Thursday 14 August 10.45am (U certificate)
Thursday 21 August 10.45am (U certificate)
The family film morning is free of charge. All welcome, so bring your friends, and a grown-up too!
We will have a tuck shop, with popcorn, hot and cold drinks and sweets available.
If you would like to know the film, please email ([email protected]) or phone (428 6810) the Hub, or look in this week’s notice sheet. Our film licence doesn’t allow us to tell you here, but it is a U, and great for all ages.