
Refugee Response

a street in Homs, Syria; above, 2011; below, 2014
a street in Homs, Syria: above, 2011; below, 2014

We cannot have missed that a lot of people are in very grave need; fleeing unimaginable situations and going to desperate, perilous lengths to escape them. Some of us will have been very moved by the images and stories we have come across and outraged by the way many refugees have been treated (by some governments, the press and ordinary people) as they put everything on the line, having already suffered so much. So what can we do, to turn our compassion and anger into action? Here are some suggestions and a link to the short film, we watched in church recently, that has inspired them:-

a refugee camp in Jordan. The UN know of 628,887 Syrian refugees in Jordan; a country 2/3 the size of England.


  • The Chapel in St. Peter’s is open for prayer between our two main Sunday services


on the Turkish border


  • Home For Good
    Foster unaccompanied asylum-seeking children for a few days in an emergency, short term or long term.


  • Hope Foodbank at Liverpool Cathedral
    This Thursday alone Hope served 152 people which included 49 newly arrived asylum seekers. They need clothes (especially mens’), toiletries, feminine hygiene products and, above all, food:-
    ~ Tinned fish
    ~ Pasta/curry sauces
    ~ Tinned tomatoes
    ~ Rice & Pasta
    Items can be dropped at the Cathedral, the Hub or in church.


  • Open Doors
    Christian families forced to run from their homes are now trapped in Iraq and Syria. They can’t return home, work or provide food for their children. Now 19,000 families depend on Open Doors for food.
  • Tear Fund
    The Tearfund Emergency Refugee Fund is supporting vital work in Europe, as well as helping some of the millions who are displaced or refugees within the Middle East itself.

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