
Mapping our frontlines

Over the last 2-3 years at St Peter’s we have been on a journey to discover what it means to be whole-life disciples.  That is coming to understand God’s purpose for each and every one of us, not just when we are gathered together in church, but also when we are scattered during the week.  The places where we are throughout the week, whether at home, school, work, shopping or visiting friends are our frontlines. We all have a frontline. And every frontline is significant to God.

We have explored what our frontlines are, what it means to be a whole-life disciple, and how God is at work in our everyday ordinary lives.

Huge mapDuring February 2014 we put up some HUGE maps at the back of church and asked people to put a red pin in the map to show where their frontline is. The result was amazing to see…



woolton We have a strong community of faith in Woolton.

The big pins are St Peter’s Church, Bishop Martin school and the Simon Peter Centre.




We are scattered too! From Woolton to Wavetree, to Walton to Huyton, to Garston. All over Liverpool you could meet someone from St Peter’s church family, living out their everyday mission as people of God.


north westOur frontlines go as far as Manchester, Hull, Leeds, Barrow and even the Wirral.

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