
Life groups are here! Come and join one

Life Groups ImageWe are changing the way we think about small groups at St Peter’s and we are changing how we refer to them.  As a whole life discipleship church we continue to explore what it means to be a disciple and how we can make disciples. The vision for our groups is that they are a safe place to grapple with what this actually means and how we can make it the reality for our whole lives, as individuals, as groups and as a church community.

Life Groups better describes the purpose of our groups as they are places where we can be –

  • Active and intentional learners, travelling and learning as we go
  • Apprentices and practitioners, not just students of the word but doers of the word
  • Followers of Jesus, with an intimate and everyday relationship with Jesus

Whilst being –

  • Accountable to one another, helping each other to learn, grow and live as disciples AND
  • Outwardly orientated, helping others to learn what it means to be a disciple of Christ

Our groups meet weekdays and evenings so if we have whetted your appetite we encourage you to speak to our Life Groups Co-ordinator, Denise Ashworth  in church or via the Hub on 428 6810. Leaflets are also available at the back of church.

Our next series is ‘Inseparable Life in Christ, in the Spirit and in the World : Romans 8’ and we will be exploring how Paul sets the scene for the awe inspiring message of the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers and it starts week commencing Sunday 6th September 2015.

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