Easy ways to Help!
Get involved!
We urgently need leaders for Junior (yr 3+) and Senior Link Club (Yr 6+) on a Tuesday evening, and Pathfinders (10-13) who meet on a Sunday morning and for CYFA (13-16) who meet on a Sunday evening.
If you feel God might be placing one of the groups on your heart then we would encourage you to have a taster session in the group prior to considering whether you can join any of the teams. Please contact Lorraine on 07745 052 423 or [email protected] for more information or have a chat.
Christmas Knitting
Can you help make 100 shepherds for the Christmas packs for our baptism families? Please speak to Ruth Fletcher (0151 428 2013) information and a knitting pattern.
Giving at St Peter’s
We have adopted the CoE’s Parish Giving Scheme and encourage all our church members to give regularly by joining the Scheme. PGS Gift Forms (which include a Gift Aid Declaration) are available at the back of church. Tim Warn is our PGS Co-ordinator. If you require more information about the Scheme contact him on 0151 291 6432 or 07949157038. Whether or not you are in the PGS one-off donations can be made:
By cheque: payable to St Peter’s PCC.
By text: Text SPET77 and the amount to 70070
By cash: use the envelope in the pew and place on the collection plate. In all cases, if you are a taxpayer, please gift aid your donation.
A Vision for St Peter’s
Earlier this year Kip spoke about ways of supporting St Peter’s, in particular thinking about our buildings and the way they can and are being used for taking forward the church’s vision. Some of the things he suggested included joining the planned giving scheme; making a one off donation towards a building project; leaving a legacy; being involved with setting up a Friends of St Peter’s; perhaps offering a skill such as DIY, cleaning, gardening … the list is endless! Do speak to him or one of the wardens if you can help.
He ended his talk with this prayer:-
O God, make the door of this house
Wide enough to receive all
who need human love and friendship;
Narrow enough to shut out
all envy, pride and hatred.
Make its threshold smooth enough to be
no stumbling block to young or frail feet
But rugged and strong enough
to turn back the tempter’s power.
May this church be, for all who enter,
a safe place and the doorway
to a richer life in Christ.