
Book review: “Parenting children for a life of faith”

parenting whole bookI would like to recommend a book which I have found very inspiring and helpful.

About the author:
Rachel has been a fulltime children’s worker around the UK and the children’s coordinator for New Wine. She still continues to consult, speak at conferences and run training days for parents, children and youth workers around the UK and Europe. This has brought her into contact with thousands of children and families through New Wine summer events, parish weekends and daily encounters in her own church.

Nurturing children in the Christian faith is a privilege given to all of us whose job it is to raise children. God’s desire is that our parenting should guide each child to meet and know him and to love with him every day through to eternity.

This book explores how home can become the primary place in which children are nurtured into the reality of God’s presence and love. The basic principle behind the ideas in the book is that we need a model for our children to what it means to be in a relationship with God, rather than just knowing about him – helping our children to be ‘God connected’ rather than ‘God-smart’ (knowing the right or expected answers).

We learn about:
• discipling our children
• modelling the reality of being in a relationship with God
• tying together truth and experience
• connecting children to God’s heart

It’s a book full of wisdom from scripture and experience. It’s like having your own mentor. I found help for my own listening to God. There are many great pieces of advice and guidance. There is training for us in mentoring young Christians, and many very inspiring stories.

The book is very well organised, easy to read and the author has the awareness that our role is not easy, but a golden opportunity with eternal benefits starting now.

We may feel we can’t achieve all that it offers, but it will certainly take us further down the road on our exciting adventure with God, one step at a time.

It’s the kind of book you need to read with others who share the same journey of encouraging faith in our children, so you can talk together about what you’re trying to put into practice from the book, and how it’s going.

Kip Crooks
January 2015

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