Updated 29th May: Updated 11th May: In addition to the weekly services published on our Youtube channel HERE we are now publishing recordings of the Organ for reflection, or for those who simply enjoy or miss the sound. Updated 6th May: This slideshow of illustrations by Kip around the story of The Road to Emmaus may be helpful to you in considering its message: Resources for Worshipping at Home Here is an updated Digital Prayer Book Below are a number of suggestions to help you worship at home and help support your mental health: Liturgy and Prayer Resources Midweek Worship at Home Mental Health Reflections You may also want…
Hustings Sunday 4th June
We’re delighted to be hosting a pre-election Hustings at St Peter’s on Sunday 4th June (7 pm for 7.30 pm start) with the candidates for the Garston and Halewood ward! This is your chance to come and hear directly from the candidates and to ask questions about the issues that matter to you! Please post any questions in the box at the back of church or the one in the Hub. The Hustings is for everyone in this community so please do spread the word!
Thrive – youth led service this Sunday
Sunday 7th May at 5.30 pm in Bishop Martin School. A youth led informal service for all ages. The theme is ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’. Everyone warmly welcome.
Thy kingdom come: the Archbishop’s call to prayer
Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement which the Archbishop of Canterbury is inviting people around the world to join. The wave of prayer will run for 10 days starting on Ascension Day, Thursday May 25th until Pentecost, Sunday 4th June.